Deeper connections in culture & entertainment
Campaigns | Experiences | Licensing | Ventures
The fastest growing entertainment & culture agency in Europe, reframing how you work with talent.
Strategic, fast & high-performance talent collaborations for the most exciting brands on the planet. Our process combines data, consumer insights, cultural instinct and unmatched relationships to capture and measure the unparalleled power of celebrity talent and influence.

Autonomous. Unbiased. Independent. Unrivalled pace across four core service areas:


Advising on celebrity talent, influence and advocacy integration at every level. When our clients need a big idea we bring the talent and strategy to achieve maximum impact. Using our relationships and experience in the world of entertainment, we take the most direct and cost effective route to talent delivering end to end solutions at unrivalled pace.

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From live performances to virtual brand activations, awards shows and private events. We are fiercely independent and put your needs first to source the best solution for your brief and budget. From emerging talent to global superstars, we've got your back.

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We work with some of the biggest talent on the planet to help extend their brand into retail by partnering them with pioneers & innovators from the consumer product world to bring their visions to life.

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Working directly with some of the biggest names in entertainment, film, fashion and music to create product ranges and brands to last a lifetime.

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"We trust Attachment like no other."

Director of Brand & Reputation

"Smarter. Better. Faster. Stronger."

Director of Brand, Creative, Media, Comms and Events Europe

"The simplest and smartest route to talent and strategy we have ever experienced."

Global Head of Experiences

Service like no other
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Attachment HQ
118-120 Great Titchfield Street
Fitzrovia, London
General enquiries
0207 631 3069